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Category: France Clock Tour

2013 AHS Tour

The French Suburbs

After a few hours at the Louvre we took our bus for about our hour to the northeast suburbs of Paris to the home of a renowned expert in the history of scientific instruments and time keeping, Anthony Turner.                 He also is a book seller and has …

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At the Louvre

The Louvre is an awesome place! Icon all the others aces that we have been I could be tempted to think I don’t want/need to go to the Louvre. After all it is one of the busiest museums in Paris and who needs all the crowds. By the way, just as an aside, the cost …

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I don’t have time :(

I have two more posts I wanted to do tonight but it is late and I need my sleep. The pictures take a lot of time to get right. We also went to the Louvre today and to the home of a renowned expert in the history of scientific instruments. It just happens that this …

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Chateau d’Ecouen

Sunday, 21-Apr-2013 Today we went to three separate places, the first was the Musee Nationale de la Renaissance in the Chateau d’Ecouen. It was only about 45 min north of Paris, so, a short ride compared to what we have done the last cole days. This is a typical French chateau that you might see …

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Lunch in Saint Nicholas d’Aliermont

Lunch in Saint Nicholas d’Aliermont was another great French meal with multiple courses. First we had a local cider champagne called kir normande. Then the first course was puff pastry (vol-au-vent?) filled with ham and mushrooms and cream sauce (bechamel).               Next course was a beef bourganion with honey …

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Saint Nicholas d’Aliermont

Sat, 20 Apr 2013 Today we headed for Normandy, a 3 hour bus ride. We visited the Musee d’Horlogerie (time keeping museum) in the town of Saint-Nicholas d’Aliermont. The people of this town created a unique type of grandfather clock and later developed the first of its kind factory for the basic movements for many …

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Classic Paris Ambience

After getting back from Arras (long bus ride), we were supposed to meet a clock and watch dealer in downtown Paris. Well we did meet him but his shop was so small that it was not really worth trying to file people through. It was about 7:30 already and we had not had dinner, so …

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Lunch in Arras

We had lunch with Bernard Seneca and his wife – what seemed to me to be a classic nice French meal (although who am I to know what classic French is). The first course was a filo sandwich of green and white asparagus with mustard sauce and mushrooms paired with a white wine. Next there …

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Coach Watches and then some

After seeing the coaches we were shown to a collection of coach watches – essentially, time keepers that were carried along with the nobility when they travelled. These ranged from the 1600s to 1800s. The sophistication and artistry of some of these early ones is just mind boggling. These watches were gathered together from several …

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Royal Carriages

Today (Friday, 19 April) we went to Arras, (115 miles north of Paris, a 2.5 hour bus ride from Paris- we left the hotel at 7:15am) and visited Le Musee des Beaux Arts (www.versaillesarras.com), and saw the collection of palace coaches. These were carriages designed to carry then queens and empresses. Apparently the men never …

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