Lunch in Saint Nicholas d’Aliermont
Lunch in Saint Nicholas d’Aliermont was another great French meal with multiple courses.

Puff pastry 1
First we had a local cider champagne called kir normande.
Then the first course was puff pastry (vol-au-vent?) filled with ham and mushrooms and cream sauce (bechamel).

Beef and fries
Next course was a beef bourganion with honey clove spicing and pommes frittes (French fries). This had a red wine with it.

Then a palate cleansing salad with two kinds of cheese; neuschatelle and normande.

Dessert and espresso
And finally an apple tart dessert and espresso.
Mostyn Gale
Saving Time started in 2004 when owner, Mostyn, rediscovered his childhood passion for tinkering with clocks. Since that time he has engaged in extensive study of the history of clocks and has spent many hands on hours including formal training from the National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors. He also earned a Certificate in Appraisal Studies from UC Irvine in 2012. Now he is embarking on obtaining a Master's degree in Conservation Studies with a specialty in Clocks from West Dean College in the United Kingdom.
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Sorry, but thought you would like to see what I am eating.
We are dying over that food. It’s so Julia Child. Wish we were there with you!